Richard the Third Heraldic Charge

What is SwordClash?

SwordClash is the premier Medieval-themed event at the University of York! For three days this June, we will turn the university in a hub of exciting Medieval activity. the event will include a tournament, games, a market, martial arts (HEMA) seminars, academic talks and more! SwordClash has been graciously funded by the York Alumni association via the "YuFund" program, as well as by a number of charitable friends of the Medieval society, via the "YuStart" crowdfunding platform.

SwordClash is the bigger and better version of our traditional summer tournament, an event for everyone at campus to enjoy. It's meant to be both educational and fun for everybody.

The event on Facebook


Where and when?

From the 5th to the 7th of June

Vanbrugh Bowl - main festivities and tournament

V/123 - workshops and talks

D/028 (Hendrix Hall) - HEMA seminars - on the 6th

Barley Hall - Feast - on the 8th


Unfortunately, not all our events are free. So, if you feel like coming to one of the HEMA seminars, you'll have to book a spot.

Due to class size constraints, the HEMA seminars require pre-booking. You can pay on the door, but you need to get your name in earlier. Use this link to pre-book a spot.

Detailed timetable

  • Friday the 5th
    • 15:00 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Opening ceremony and MedSoc parade
    • 15:30-18:00 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Tournament Qualifying: Heat 1
    • 18:00-19:00 - V/123 - The Anatomy of an European Combat Manuscript, talk by Radostin Nanov
    • 20:30 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Official closing of the day
  • Saturday the 6th
    • 10:00-11:30 - Hendrix Hall - Meyer Longsword seminar
    • 11:30-13:00 - Hendrix Hall - Application of HEMA for self-defence
    • 14:00-15:30 - Hendrix Hall - Dussack and Messer
    • 15:30-17:00 - Hendrix Hall - Dagger and Dussack
    • 17:00-20:00 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Tournament Qualifying: Heat 2
    • 18:00-19:00 - V/123 - Fashion and Textiles through the Medieval Ages, talk by Leah Harley O'Cuinneagain
    • 19:00-20:00 - V/123 - Evolution of the Sword, talk and demo by Izaac Wallis and Radostin Nanov
    • 20:30 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Official closing of the day
    • 21:00 - LOCATION TBD - Joint event with the Fringe alternative music society
  • Sunday the 7th
    • All day - Owl Adventures falconry show
    • 10:30-12:30 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Tournament Qualifying: Heat 3
    • 14:00-16:00 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Tournament Finals
    • 17:00 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Award Ceremony
    • 18:00-19:00 - V/123 - Warrior Woman: Joan of Arc, the Soldier, talk by Alex Wilson
    • 20:00 - Vanbrugh Bowl - Official Closing of the day
  • Monday the 8th
    • 12:00-16:00 - Seminar Rooms - Spare slot for Talks/Workshops
    • 16:00-20:00 - Historic tour of York with the Medieval society
    • 19:00 - Barley Hall - SwordClash Feast


A celebration of Historical European Martial Arts, both in their purest of forms and in the context of re-enactment. The tournament will consist of five divisions and a Pas D'Armes.

  • Arming sword
  • Arming sword and buckler
  • Longsword
  • Quarterstaff
  • Open
  • Pas D'Armes - all competitive combat carried out during the tournament will count towards a Pas D'Armes reward, meant to reward enthusiasm and inclusivity.

Please refer to the rules and regulations here:

SwordClash Tournament Rules 2015

James Jarvis Memorial Cup

The James Jarvis Cup is an award meant to commemorate one of the key members, responsible for founding and popularizing the Medieval society, James Jarvis. The award is given out by the Jarvis family to the winner of the longsword competition during the tournament.


19:00, Barley hall, the 8th of June

Price: 40.00 (discount possible for early bookings)

What does that feast entail?

  • 3.5 hours hire of the Great Hall (7:00pm – 10:30pm)
  • Welcome by costumed staff
  • Medieval Host/Storyteller
  • Welcome drink (mulled or mead wine) & private access to Barley Hall’s exhibitions
  • Medieval seated three-course meal including complimentary drinks*
  • Medieval background music

*A half bottle of wine per person, plus jugs of juice and water will be provided with your meal.

Be mindful that the feast is subject to us having 25 or more participants.

Current spots free: all taken!


The trading stalls will be located at the Vanbrugh bowl, on Saturday and Sunday.

  • Nidavellnir - Nalbinded items for sale and new additions to the Surtr Viking jewellery range. Custom orders will be taken on the day too!
  • Chris Lindsay-White - leatherworking. Authentic pouches, bags and belts.
  • Warped Triskele: This is your one-stop shop for eclectic, lovingly-made historical textiles, reenactment clothing and jewellery.


Those activities are free and will happen at the Vanbrugh bowl.

  • Parade of the Medieval society - at the event opening, we will march on the Bowl in all our glory!
  • Medieval martial arts demonstrations - see our society members demonstrate the best of the European martial tradition.
  • Formation training - join up in a true medieval formation! Or, just watch from the sidelines as we march for your pleasure.
  • Kiddy vike - a chance for little vikings (under the age of 10) to try their hands at fighting vikings.
  • Piggyback jousting - a glorious tournament for the littlest of knights!
  • Re-enactment demos - visiting re-enactment groups, such as Various Viking groups and the House of York branch of Crusade, are going to display their best equipment and abilities on the Bowl.
  • The Owl Adventures - falconry and bird display.
  • Music! - We will have a number of musicians on the Bowl! Expect both classic medieval music as well as medievalized covers of moderns songs!
  • Line dancing - join a line dance on the fair meadow of Vanbrugh.
  • Photos and talks - any place, any time, pose together with a member of the society for a photo or ask them your questions. Roy Hampson will be our on-site photographer.
  • Shield painting - painting little wooden shields. Make your own souvenir from SwordClash!

Participating Groups

  • The Vikings - The Vikings the oldest and largest Dark Age re-enactment society in the UK.
  • Fringe - The University of York alternative music society are going to host a historic-themed genre night during SwordClash.


  • Fashion and Textiles through the Medieval Ages - Leah Harley O'Cuinneagain
  • Explore the evolution of fashion trends from the Viking age all the way through to the Renaissance. The presenter will not only talk about the ways in which garments were made and worn back in the day, but also demonstrate one in person.

  • The Anatomy of an European Combat Manuscript - Radostin Nanov
  • A detailed overview of the tradition of combat manuals in Europe, starting in Ancient Greece and ending all the way in WWII, with focus on the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Expect a refreshingly new outlook on a topic which has been left on the fringes of standard historical research.

  • Evolution of the Sword - Izaac Wallis and Radostin Nanov
  • Through the ages the ways in which people fought evolved and with this, so did their weapons. The presenters will touch upon the evolution of the sword, the most iconic cold weapon in human history, explaining details on its roots, its typology and the periods of development which in undertook.

  • Warrior Woman: Joan of Arc, the Soldier - Alex Wilson
  • Join us on our trip through time to revisit the story of the most renown woman-warrior of all, Joan of Arc. Reviled by some, loved by others, Joan was, undoubtedly, a phenomenon for her time.

HEMA seminars

The seminars are based at the D/028 (Hendrix Hall) on campus

They will happen on the 6th of June, Saturday

  • 10:00-11:30 - Payson Muller - York Free Fencers Guild - Meyer Longsword
  • Payson Muller is a Freifechter in the Meyer tradition of fencing. Join him in the morning on the 6th for an introduction to one of the most prominent 16th century combat manuals.

  • 11:30-13:00 - Christopher Halpin-Durband - HSD Rebel's Gate, York - Application of HEMA for self-defence
  • A scholar of many traditions, Chris Halpin-Durband is going to introduce a most uncommon approach towards the Medieval martial arts. You thought that the traditions of old were useless for the modern day? Well, prepare to be amazed.

  • 14:00-15:30 - Andy Taylor - Stork's Beak, Edinburgh - Dussack and Messer
  • Andy Taylor is a true Renaissance man, interested in two-handed sword, longsword, dussack, backsword, great stick, sickle, spadroon and german rapier. On the 6th, he will be taking the first post-break session with an introduction to one-handed weapons.

  • 15:30-17:00 - Nigel Smith - Dagger and Dussack
  • Wrapping up an excelent day of HEMA seminars, we have Nigel Smith. Nigel is sure to get everyone sweating with his high-intensity session focusing chiefly on the dussack. And, who knows, there might be a bit of dagger thrown in for extra stabby fun!

Total spots available: 20 per class

Price of admission: assistance at the SwordClash events or £3 per block of two classes

Current spots available:

  • Morning class: 14
  • Afternoon class: 15

Get in touch to express interest

This event was made possible by:

  • The Medieval Society committee and members
  • The University of York
  • YUSU
  • The York Alumni association and YuFund
  • The Jarvis family
  • Our generous benefactors from YuStart:
    • cameronschrodingerscat
    • philippa.jarvis.5
    • scatteringpoems
    • NintendoNut426
    • leep999
    • TheSavior